Review: “Stranger Things”
This summer, the world earned the privilege of yet another Netflix phenomenon, “Stranger Things.” Set in a rural town in the 1980s, the show’s opening scene introduces four young boys playing “Dungeons and Dragons” in their basement. Things take a turn for the worse when their 12-year-old friend Will Byers goes missing, and the town goes frantic. Friends Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair and Dustin Henderson vow to find their friend. However, it seems as if some supernatural power is working against them.
Following the disappearance of Will, a young and unusual girl named Eleven appears one day in a local diner, and she eventually has a run-in with the three young boys in the middle of the night. Mike then takes Eleven under his wing and allows her to stay with him, under the condition that she must help him find Will.
Meanwhile, frazzled mother Joyce Byers, played by Golden Globe winner Winona Ryder, along with Chief Hopper make it their mission to find Will by any means necessary — even if that means breaking into a government-run laboratory to seek the extraterrestrial demons that allegedly captured him.
At the same time, Will’s sister Nancy also searches for her brother with assistance from a possible more-than-friend ally, Jonathan Byers.
“Stranger Things” also shows many similarities to other television series and movies. One can make the connection that this film is comparable to the 1980’s drama, “Stand By Me”. The time periods of these masterpieces allow parallels such as soundtracks, 80’s vernacular, and both touch upon general issues that were prevalent of the time period. In contrast, “Stand By Me” has a family and friendship oriented plot that focuses on bonds between loved ones, while “Stranger Things” is science-fiction based and focusing on supernatural incidents and unconventional relationships.
Other shows such as “Twin Peaks” are also similar to “Stranger Things” due to their overall usage of paranormal events and mysterious plot lines.
Besides “Stranger Things” being an addictive new show to watch, social media has been abuzz with thousands of posts both meant for promoting and praising the sci-fi. It’s practically impossible to be on the internet lately without seeing something related to the series. Ratings are skyrocketing as people of all ages have been sharing their positive opinions.
Even merchandise such as apparel, phone accessories and stationery are being sold to cater to the novel and eager fanbase.
If you haven’t already watched “Stranger Things,” indulge yourself! As main character Dustin would say, “Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?”