Red Cross hosts Pali blood drive
February 2, 2017
On Thursday, Jan. 19, Pali Leadership hosted a blood drive in the small gym.
The event, performed in conjunction with the American Red Cross Blood Services Division, allowed students ages 16 and older who met a minimum weight requirement to donate a pint of blood to those in need.
Participants had the option to either donate a pint of blood or to undergo a donation process called apheresis. In this procedure, needles are inserted in one or both of the donor’s arms and blood will flow into a machine to separate blood components, removing some of the blood sample’s contents while the rest of the blood returns into the donor’s body.
Over 200 Pali students gave blood through one of the two options during the daylong drive.
For the Red Cross staff members who made the blood drive possible, it was just another day on the job. But for the Pali students who volunteered their blood to help make a difference, many said it was a meaningful experience.