Single’s Slaying Day

Power to the single ladies! A how-to guide on screwing the broken hearts and bitter memes and being the Boss-A** B***h that you are.

Danielle York and Layla Asgar

The aisles of red, white and pink everything are practically unavoidable around this time of year. But while Feb. 14 has some caught up in a love cloud, it leaves many in despair over taking the day on solo. No one ever said that V-Day was about couples, so why not turn it into a day of self-love?

  1. Of course, what’s a confidence day if it doesn’t include dancing in front of your bedroom mirror to an insane playlist? Here’s a collection of songs to get you feeling like a B.A.B.
  2. Top Ten V-Day Treats
    1. Sugarfina Kiss Me Lips
    2. Red Velvet Kit Kats
    3. Hershey’s Kisses white cookie cupcake
    4. Russell Stover Champagne Flavored Valentine’s Chocolates
    5. Reese’s White Creme Covered Peanut Butter
    6. Cadbury Royal Dark Chocolate Hearts
    7. M&M White Chocolate Cheesecake
    8. Dove Caramel and Milk Chocolate Valentines Day Mix
    9. Ghirardelli Valentine’s Dark and Chocolates
    10. Lindor Strawberries and Cream Truffles
  3. Treat Yo’self
    1. Spoil yourself at Victoria’s Secret
    2. Draw up a warm bath and throw in a bath bomb
    3. Get dressed up and go to a fancy dinner with your Galentines
    4. Enjoy Feb. 15 (a.k.a half off candy day)
    5. Get your nails done
    6. Take a spa day
    7. Go shopping
    8. Binge watch your favorite show
    9. Spend the day with your friends and anyone who makes you happy
    10. Sign up for a beauty box subscription i.e. Birchbox, Ipsy, Fabfitfun etc.
  4. What NOT to Do
    1. Don’t post about your loneliness all over social media. No memes!
    2. Don’t wear all red; put together an outfit that makes you feel great.
    3. Don’t text your Ex!
    4. Don’t watch sad romances; go with a comedy.
    5. Don’t be scared or nervous to go after what you want.
    6. Don’t be desperate and don’t sell yourself short.