Pali searches for new electives and English courses

Caleb Crain, Staff Writer

This semester, Pali students struggled to find electives to put in their schedules, and many underclassmen resorted to being Teacher’s Assistants, or TAs.

Pali’s answer to that was a call to teachers to develop new one-semester electives to solve the current deficit.

Teachers and faculty members responded with several new ideas for English and elective courses.

The list of existing and proposed classes is:

English 12 Courses:

APLiterature and Composition

Honors California Literature and Advanced Composition*

Honors Chicano Literature and Advanced Composition

Honors Combat, Conflict, Canon and Advanced Composition

Honors World Literature and Advanced Composition

ERWC (Expository Reading and Writing Course)

Academic Elective Courses:

Black Studies

Medical Terminology

Radio Broadcast Communications

Entrepreneurship Pod

Advanced Lighting

Advanced Audio

Advanced Pali Production

Health and Wellness in the 21st Century

Honors Neuroscience



History of Cinema Class

Avid AB

Creative Sewing

Sheltered English Composition

Speech and Debate

Technology/Computer Classes