Pali Replaces Fire Drill with Earthquake Drill due to Rain

Max Gray

The earthquake drill, which took place on Tuesday Jan. 15, replaced the previously-scheduled fire drill, which was cancelled due to inclement weather.

The 40-minute Activity period during which students were supposed to evacuate to the football field was shortened to 15 minutes. Instead, students and staff took shelter under their desks and discussed Pali’s earthquake safety procedures.

According to Director of Operations Don Parcell, the full-evacuation fire-drill would have entailed students evacuating to the field and lining up, while teachers sent completed attendance rosters to the Attendance Office, which would have practiced family requests for students to be released.

Even though it was not raining during the originally allotted time frame for the fire drill, when the earthquake drill was announced on Jan. 14, rain was still expected for the following day.

Junior Alexandra Aladham was glad the drill was changed because she thought that evacuating to the field would have been “wet and uncomfortable.” However, Aladham doubted the usefulness of the drill, saying “nothing really happened… just like every other drill.”