Pali Seniors Will Return to Disneyland for Grad Nite
March 21, 2019
This year, the senior class will return to Disney’s California Adventure for Grad Nite, scheduled for May 31.
The past few years, Grad Nite was replaced by a carnival held at Pali and organized by parents.
“Last year, the carnival was organized by two parents and supported by a couple dozen parents on the night of the event and another approximately two dozen parents who paid for it,” senior class advisor John Rauschuber said. “It was an enormous personal sacrifice for these two parents to create an amazing event for 700 seniors.”
Thanks to support from parents and the Booster Club, the carnival was free of charge for students.
But before the switch to an on-campus carnival, Grad Nite took place at Disney’s California Adventure. “Disneyland has been the Pali tradition for Grad Nite,” Rauschuber added. “Disney is allowing PCHS to return to Grad Nite this year, as we were not allowed to attend Grad Nite for several years due to the poor choices made by a few seniors.” Rauschuber did not elaborate on what those poor choices were but did say, “seniors who do not adhere to our expectations for Grad Nite behavior, WILL NOT walk across [the] stage [at graduation]… PCHS will not allow a student’s poor choice to prevent the Class of 2020 from experiencing Grad Nite.”
This year, Grad Nite will cost each senior $110, with those on the free or reduced lunch program being charged $65. This cost includes transportation to and from the park, and “we will ask the booster club for the remainder,” explained Rauschuber.
Registration for Grad Nite will start next week.
“[It] seems pretty cool,” remarked senior Aidan Clark, “[It] seems better than the carnival they did here… and we [will] have a little bit more freedom than being on campus.”