Pali administrators create new out-of-bounds areas

Maya Millner

Over the summer, Pali’s Safety & Security Department and Dean’s Office decided to create two new out-of-bounds areas and to more stringently enforce existing ones.
The new out-of-bounds areas include the front of the school near Bowdoin Street, all parking lots and roads on campus. The area near the three Visual and Performing Arts sheds and the pool equipment buildings were already off-limits. According to Director of Operations Don Parcell, no congregating is allowed behind the gym complex, the J buildings, the loading dock, the W buildings, the back of the upstairs D, E, F and G buildings or by the flagpole at the front of school.
Parcell said the main reason for the new out-of-bounds areas is to help the security guards better monitor the school. The out-of-bounds area by the flagpole “helps the security guards better see who may be approaching the front/main entrance to the school during the school day,” Parcell explained. “This change so far has been very helpful to the guards and the ongoing safety and security of the school.”
The new restrictions for the upstairs area are due to the fact “that too many students were congregating up there, somewhat hidden from security guards’ consistent view,” according to Parcell.
Although this change was planned by the administration, the lack of communication with the student body has left several students confused about the purpose and reality of these new restrictions.
Senior Jackson Garland said, “they have so many new security members this year too, and I feel like they should just station people [on the second floor].”
Junior Nathan Tsunoda said he was confused by the new restrictions. “I saw an out-of-bounds area on the second floor and it was not out-of-bounds unless the U buildings are out-of-bounds,” Tsunoda said. “I don’t know what’s going on with that, but it’s pretty stupid.”
Senior Kiara Prado said, “I’ve seen [the out-of-bounds lines], but I just pass them. Some of the places where they put them it doesn’t really seem like they should be out of bounds so it’s like I don’t really know if should pass them or not.”
Despite student concerns, Pali officials still plan to enforce the restrictions throughout the year.