Club Day Returns to Pali

As dozens of tables filled the quad during lunch on Thursday, Feb. 6 and Friday, Feb. 7, students gathered to join new and old clubs alike, while club officials set out to recruit new members. The first day focused on service-based clubs, while the second day showcased interest-based clubs.

On Monday, Jan. 27, Associated Student Body (ASB) Leadership held an informational lunchtime meeting for students interested in starting a new club. Prospective club leaders went through an application process to create high-interest clubs for the student body.

One of the many newly formed clubs is the Cali Conservatives, founded by freshmen co-presidents Ari Moore and Michael Francoeur.

“We decided to make this club because we feel that in California, conservative views are silenced by society,” Francoeur began. “For some reason, especially around Los Angeles, conservatives are completely disrespected and treated as if their opinion doesn’t matter, even though it very much does. … We’re here to represent and shelter these ‘outlawed conservatives’ and let them know they’re not alone in their struggles for liberty and free speech.”

By the end of the day, Cali Conservatives had 115 sign-ups.

Many club representatives decorated their table and gave out candy to encourage students to stop by and sign-up. Most tables had a promotional poster that explained the group’s mission. One club in particular went as far as to have a cup pong game. Participants who threw a plastic ball into a cup won a prize.

Another new club to the Pali campus is LA Kids for Change, founded by freshmen Davina Yashar, Georgiana Yawitz, Sama Mohaber, Talia Davood, Leah Khorsandi and Eva Khorsandi. LA Kids for Change is dedicated to improving the lives of children in the foster care system through donations and outreach programs.

“We want to impact and help the lives of these struggling kids,” Leah Khorsandi said.