S.H.A.R.E. Club Continues its Work in an Online Environment

S.H.A.R.E. club's April 2020 event. Photo credit: Courtesy of Molly Cohen.

S.H.A.R.E. club’s April 2020 event. Photo credit: Courtesy of Molly Cohen.

Katia Stutz, Staff Writer

Pali’s Sexual Harassment and Rape Education (S.H.A.R.E.) club has adapted to the online format and continues to educate students on rape culture and the stigmas surrounding sexual violence. 

The club secretary, sophomore Brynn Green, explained that the club’s goal is “to provide awareness to Pali about sexual assault, different assault cases that have happened, how to help victims and just an overall awareness of rape culture.”

Club president Molly Cohen emphasized the need for the club because “the percentage of violence and harassment is really high, especially on college campuses.” 

Before quarantine, S.H.A.R.E. would meet in English teacher Shirin Ramzi’s room and listen to presentations. “We partner really closely with the rape treatment center at UCLA,” Green said. “They are really helpful and they provide so many great resources…. We work with them to create presentations [and] to get [guest] speakers.”

Cohen added, “A couple members [of the club], myself included, attended a workshop over the summer on how to have these types of conversations around sexual assault.” 

In April, the club would normally begin planning for sexual violence awareness month. In previous years, S.H.A.R.E. would often host bake sales and other fundraisers, selling items like buttons and stickers. 

Cohen said, “I feel like definitely my best memory was at our fundraiser [that] we had last year in the quad.” She explained that the event included a large whiteboard with the question: “What does love mean to you?” Students were encouraged to write their answer to the question on a post-it and stick it on the whiteboard. The answers on the whiteboard ranged from comfort and sacrifice to family and friends.

Now, with distanced learning, these types of events are no longer possible. However, the club still meets regularly online. 

“[The club meetings] have changed a little bit to be more research and information heavy,” Green said. “We do presentations every week on different topics, some suggested, some not. All members of the club have an opportunity to make a presentation so it’s not usually just cabinet.” 

“I believe that a lot of change comes from having dialogue,” Cohen said, adding that she is hopeful that the new format of their meetings is allowing the club to become more interactive. 

Cohen and Green both said that they believe distance learning has increased the number of members in the club. “Online, more people have been able to come,” Green said. “Social media has had a big impact on who we can reach out to.” 

“It is so important to spread awareness and education at the age we are,” Cohen said. “We are kind of molding into the people we’re going to be when we’re adults.”

S.H.A.R.E. club meets through Zoom every Monday at 1:45 p.m. Use this link to participate: https://palihigh-org.zoom.us/j/82848733709?pwd=aTI1ZUlQcGdPamZvcTVBY0d5QThodz09