New Student Section Makes a Splash
November 18, 2022
The Pali football season is making a splash with a new feature: the student section. This student-only seating area, nicknamed the “Splash Zone,” is located on the home side of the Stadium by the Sea. Accompanied by chant-leaders holding signs, the Splash Zone is intended to boost the school spirit and morale of fans.
Associated Student Body (ASB) president Peter Garff, a senior and the mind behind the student section, said that his goal is “to bring as much spirit and as much hype to the campus.”
Garff added that he wants to “make football games less about social interactions and more about cheering on our great football team.”
The student section has had its hiccups, as “overwhelming spirit can turn into rambunctiousness,” Garff said. While he mentioned that the response to the addition of the Splash Zone has been fantastic, Garff emphasized the importance of “controlled spirit,” as too much spirit can be hard to handle.
For example, ASB trusted the student body with glow sticks, which Garff said that he considers a mistake due to “[the students] throwing them.”
Although the expectations were high, students are unsure of the merits of the student section.
Sophomore Julia Zeegan attended all of Pali’s home games this semester, and thinks that the new section is still a work-in-progress.
“Every student enjoyed the game, [but] other schools have it better,” she said, adding that other school’s students are “more engaged in the game.”
For now, she said that she thinks the student section is boring and prefers sitting outside of it.
Senior Elysha Chae said that the games do seem more crowded than usual, a possible effect of the new student section. She has been to two games since the addition.
“The first time they had people who were doing chants and cheers,” Chae recalled. “The second time there was nothing.”
Chae attends games primarily for social interaction, but has noticed the positive effects of Pali’s student section, saying, “[Pali] looks very school-spirity.”
Garff said that he plans to work on the student section until he’s satisfied, adding that he remains determined despite the mixed reviews.
“The Splash Zone, as it’s called,” Garff concluded, “… it’s made a name for itself.”