Former IDF personnel visit Pali

Pali’s Dolphins for Israel club hosted two special guests on Friday, May 13. Former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) personnel and native Angelenos Saul and Dina (last names withheld) gave a lunchtime presentation on their careers to an attentive audience of around 40.

“They were brought to us by Mina Rush, the head of community engagement at a Pro-Israel organization called StandWithUs,” junior and club co-president Jonathan Ashegian said.

The pair offered differing perspectives on life in the Israeli military. Saul, who served in a counterterrorism unit during his time in Israel, spoke extensively of grueling training and dangerous urban patrols. Dina, one of many IDF women serving as weapons instructors, talked about earning the respect of her male students.

In addition, both speakers were quick to point out the nonsectarian nature of the IDF. Dina said she  received praise from Muslim passersby, only to receive discouraging looks from ultra-Orthodox Jews, a group that has traditionally protested the IDF.

The host of the presentation, Pali’s Dolphins for Israel club, was established last year by juniors Jonathan Ashegian and Sam Melamed. Club meetings are held on Fridays at lunch in room F205 on odd days and in room U114 on even days. Meetings normally feature presentations on Zionism and Israeli history, though special guests are also common; last October, IDF First Sergeant David Feldman also gave a presentation on his career. Both club presidents stress that the club is not religiously affiliated; people from all backgrounds are encouraged to join.