Pali’s Blood Drive is Back


Working with the American Red Cross, the ASB Leadership class staged the biannual blood drive on Wednesday, Jan. 29, in the small gym. Pali students who met a minimum weight requirement and were 16 years or older donated their blood to support those in need.

Besides age and weight requirements, participants were also asked about recent piercings and medications. “A small finger prick is performed before donating to test hemoglobin levels, iron levels, etc.,” senior ASB representative Lauren Hartog added. Potential donors under 18 needed written consent from their parents to participate.

In total, there were 70 student donors. The number of students allowed to sign-up is restricted as the small gym has a limited amount of space and the event lasted from 7:30 am until noon.

“I feel as though it’s the only thing you can donate without money,” junior Aliya Govindraj said. “If you can help three people, then why not do it?”

Hartog, running the blood drive for her third year, described the planning and preparation as “rigorous.” She said her job involves coordinating with the American Red Cross and Pali faculty about the date, location and approval from the nurses, the PE department, the permit director and Mr. Howard. Hartog also created a sign-up sheet and promoted the event on platforms such as Schoology and Instagram.

In addition to the Pali blood drives, Hartog organizes other blood drives outside of school over summer break. These other events take place “at the Palisades library and/or Corpus Christi Church,” Hartog explained.

Hartog said, “The blood mainly stays in California in our local hospitals, but when a national emergency occurs, the blood can travel across the country!”

Pali High has been holding blood drives regularly for the past decade. Hartog said that, in the last three years, Pali has generated “675 donors, 981 pints of blood and saved 2,943 lives.”